Central Manchester City Learning Centre

Honeycomb and Vye Laptop Training Signup Live By Victoria Clarkson on 22nd May, 2009

The CLCs in the area are proud to be host to training for schools in the area. The latest involves training for the Honeycomb system and the related Vye laptops. Primary schools can get involved and sign up. After completing the training day, which are taking place at the four CLCs in Manchester throughout June and July, the Primary Schools are issued with a set of Vye netbooks running wireless internet and the Honeycomb system for the Primary School children to use.

CMCLC lends its support to Honeycomb By Luke Brown on 15th May, 2009

Here at the CLC we will be helping to introduce Honeycomb to local primary schools.

Honeycomb allows students to add various content to their own web page, and share this with teachers and fellow students, thereby promoting collaberative learning. This could include text, videos or blogs and all of the content can be edited quickly and easily.

See the product for yourself: www.honeycombapp.com